Hello Church Family,
"The Lord is my strength and my shield, I trusted in Him and I am helped" Psalm 28:7
This week we witnessed the inauguration of Joe Biden. Biden was calling for unity, he said "There's nothing we can't do if we do it together" Kamala Harris said "we not only see what has been, but we see what can be." How could those words relate to us as a church family. What is Jesus's take on Politics? click on link to watch part 1 of a 3 part series by Andy Stanley (son of Charles Stanley. https://youtu.be/rGG4emresp4 Jesus prayed for us before he was arrested in John 17:23b "May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me" Let us pray for unity in our church. In the video Andy prayed "Heavenly Father, make us one so we can influence many." Let us be strong in Christ together and love one another as Jesus has loved us. Jehovah, Mighty in Battle
"Who is the King of glory****Jehovah mighty in battle" Psalm 24:8 (ASV) NO LIFE can be lived for God in these difficult days without terrific conflict. Foes within and foes without assail each saint continuously. Principalities and powers are arrayed against the child of God who seeks to serve his Master. We have no might with which to meet "this great host that cometh out against us," but Jehovah Mighty in battle, is our Saviour, our Intercessor, our Elder Brother, our ever-present Friend. "Sure, I must fight if I would win; increase my courage, Lord." Amen. (Taken from "Every Day with Jesus Daily Devotional)
A Family Evening of music, fun and laughter Come on out for a great time of fellowship This is the first evening of what we hope will lead to many more. "Saturday Night Live at Malvern" will take place on the last Saturday of every month. Thank you Harrian for coming up with this amazing idea! If you can sing, play an instrument, act, dance etc we really want to hear from you. Please contact either Harrian Brown, Jackie Skyers or Sandra Lecky Click on link below to join us next week. Link will also be available on WhatApp on January 30th.
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82803362207?pwd=UGJjd0lJN1ZvTEJIMWlDQVZPZXRtUT09 Coming on by phone Dial: 647-374-4685 or 647-558-0588 Meeting ID: 828 0336 2207
Password : 175746
Small Group Bible Study
Beginning February 14th
God has a unique purpose for your life, have you discovered it yet?
click on link to watch this promo video https://youtu.be/xBqGPMJYsds
The S.H.A.P.E. Study guide is now available for purchase at $15
please call the church to arrange to get your copy.
This study "is designed specifically to take you to that next level of purpose -- to reveal how God has designed you, and help see how that fits the intention for which you were created."
Throughout these six weeks, your small group will watch/listen to the S.H.A.P.E. video by Erik Rees as he unpacks for you the five elements of God's blueprints for creating you. Each session includes tools that help bring clarity to your future goals and show you how to have the most fulfilling life possible -- a life lived for God's purposes, by God's design. You will learn what is your God-given S.H.A.P.E. based on your Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences.
This is no ordinary study! Just look at what Lee Strobel, author of The Case for Christ, had to say about the S.H.A.P.E. Small Group Study: "God made you to make a difference—and this study will help you unlock your special contribution. Get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure of personal discovery." "Ever wondered who am I?" Ever thought, "What is the purpose of my life?" I have great news: the mystery is over. Erik Rees gives you the tools to answer the questions so you can live the life you were created to live. Embrace S.H.A.P.E. with everything you have so you can discover not only how special you are but your specific purpose for life." Dr. Gary Smalley, Author of I Promise "It is sad to go through life with God-given powers and never know what they are, or how to use them. S.H.A.P.E. is the key to unlocking and unleashing these powers with purpose." Steve Arterburn, Founder and Chairman of New Life Ministries This study is for everyone, as we begin this new year as a church let us focus on what God wants each one of us to do. Join a small group! Details below.
Wednesday Noon- 1:00 pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/230325772?pwd=TlBWdlNCbUdTL1pvcTF5UGNxUytjZz09 Dial: 647-374-4685 or 647-558-0588 Meeting ID: 230 325 772 Password: 249958 Wednesday 7:30 - 8:30 pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/360687044?pwd=NytPSGZ1UjZ2bkVLdTFjWnpUU1NYUT09 Dial: 647-374-4685 or 647-558-0588 Meeting ID: 360 687 044 Password: 827847 Saturday 7:30 am - 8:30 am https://us02web.zoom.us/j/297811557?pwd=bzJ5WHNmTHdycENqYXRWeXJBaXJ5Zz09 Dial: 647-374-4685 or 647-558-0588 Meeting ID: 3297 811 557 Password: 249958 Widow's Ministry Meeting Starting Thursday, January 28th at 4:00 pm (then every other Thursday) Call Paula Shallow at (905) 420-8540 for more detail https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89511761120?pwd=Tk9ZTnFFNmtGRE92ZFFlQlV4RldoUT09 Dial: 647-374-4685 or 647-558-0588 Meeting ID: 895 1176 1120 Password: 713010 Biblestudy Small Groups Sunday 1:00pm to 2:00pm Letna Allen-Rowe Online: https://zoom.us/j/92775136687?pwd=akYrTVNNKzRMaVBhenlvcmozeStSQT09 Dial: 647-374-4685 or 647-558-0588 Meeting ID: 927 7513 6687 Password: 145095 Monday 12:00pm to 1:00pm Bev Dixon (begining Feb 15th) Online:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81862534065?pwd=Y0V5NVBNUjhZNkdFZndsVU1DNEVsQT09 Dial: 647-374-4685 or 647-558-0588 Meeting ID: 818 6253 4065 Password: 419811 Tuesday 2:00pm to 3:00pm Pat Gloudon Online: https://zoom.us/j/94071765351?pwd=R254YlluL3VjSTBMRS9rR2t3cFZSdz09 Dial: 647-374-4685 or 647-558-0588 Meeting ID: 940 7176 5351 Password: 487382 Thursday noon to 1:00pm Harrian Brown Online: https://zoom.us/j/95282918657?pwd=Q2hKVmY5N2FoTHB6RUdDS0I0VEd6Zz09 Dial: 647-374-4685 or 647-558-0588 Meeting ID: 952 8291 8657 Password: 257243 Friday 10:00am to 11:00am Sandra Rodney Online: https://zoom.us/j/92758924875?pwd=UW9XY3kyMlliRkIzOGthd0ZGK2h1Zz09 Dial: 647-374-4685 or 647-558-0588 Meeting ID: 927 5892 4875 Password: 244322 Friday 6:00pm to 7:00pm Emma Rodney (Kids & Youth ) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83333529831?pwd=eTZHVjMrTTlLWm9ON05TZ2ZmVkFUQT09 Meeting ID: 833 3352 9831 Password: FBKMMCY Friday 7:00pm to 8:00pm Rawle Ellis Online: https://zoom.us/j/97090955766?pwd=RDdBS0JtdWJxaVV4SVEveS9tSTF2QT09 Dial: 647-374-4685 or 647-558-0588 Meeting ID: 970 9095 5766 Password: 507353 Giving Options 1. Direct Debit (you will need an authorization form from the church) 2. E-Transfer to give@malvernmethodist.com (don't forget to include your envelope number) 3.Credit Card at www.malvernmethodist.com then go to GIVING 4.Via Mail to the church( please note cheques are deposited twice a month) 2 Corinthians 9:7 "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver".
Church office hours: Wednesdays and Thursdays 9 am - 3 pm please call Sandra at 416-283-8008 or email at malvernmethodist@bellnet.com
To contact Pastor Michael please call 416-670-3006
If you're in need of help or would like to volunteer in any of the following please call the church or Pastor Michael
Need Offering Envelopes?
I would like to facilitate a bible study group
I would like to be a Love Care Leader - please call Jackie Skyers at 905-509-9442
I would like to be involved in the children or youth ministry
I would like to submit an article for the newsletter
Thank you Lord for Leanne and Dave Prasad's new baby Violet Grace! For Sheila Dillon's sister who passed away last week. For Rebecca whose sister passed away on Thursday. For Bev Charles as she prepares for knee replacement surgery on the 27th. For quick healing for Yvonne Haywood who had a knee replacement last month For all those who are shut-in or sick. For all those who are apart of making the Sunday Morning service happen. For volunteers for the children and youth ministry. For Pastor Michael and the Board as they prepare for 2021. For all world leaders. Continue to stay safe and healthy, Pastor Michael and your Board:
Chair: Edward Sattaur Vice-Chair: Letna Allen-Rowe Directors: Pat Gloudon, Finola Grant, Norma McKenzie, Yvette Reid, Chris Skyers, Kwame Smart
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